Plum Bottom Ayrshires
The Plum Bottom herd of registered Ayrshire cows is fortified on sun and great on grass. These cows are "raised 2 Graze."

[air-sher] noun.
A breed of dairy cattle known for their red and white markings. Originating in County Ayr, Scotland they were brought to the United States in 1822 and made famous by their hardiness and ability to convert grass into milk efficiently.
We believe in three things:
Rotational Grazing
Cows belong on grass, and grass needs rest. Our pastures are divided into 28+ sections which cows rotate through daily. This gives the land a chance to rest and regrow, giving our cows optimal nutrition while combating climate change.
Soil Health
Our herd is mostly grass fed, and the nutrition in the grass begins with the soil. Our fields have been free of any additives for over 80 years, fertilized only by our cows and the sunshine. We are proud to be part of soil health studies by Penn State and Columbia Universities.
Superior Genetics
Carefully selected sires, always 100% Ayrshire, optimize our herd for longevity and quality milk production. We utilize the AaA method, as well as Dairy Classifications so our herd is improving with every generation.
The Plum Bottom herd of registered Ayrshire cows have resided at Hameau Farm for the last 30 years. Owner Audrey Gay Rodgers, is a third generation Ayrshire breeder.
Cow families are an integral part of the farm philosophy. Mothers, daughters and sisters play a role in the milking line-up. In the milking barn, each cow has her own identified stall and some of our current cow families date back to the 1950’s!