Raw Milk
Our cows are milked twice daily and produce 100% raw Ayrshire milk.
We are licensed by the Pennsylvania Deprtment of Agriculture to sell our raw milk, and inspected regularly as part of that license. We also test our milk daily.
We are open for on-farm raw milk pickup daily. *Milk customers must bring their own container to fill* For pricing or to set up a time for pickup, please call/text 717-667-3731.
Raw milk, or unpasteurized milk, is milk that is direct from the cow. It has not been through the pasteurization process, where the milk is heated to kill bacteria and extend its shelf life.
Absolutely. We are licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture to safely sell our raw milk. It is tested for bacteria daily, and our systems and facilities are inspected regularly by the PA-DOA.
Although we farm using organic methods, we are not certified Organic. However our milk is always 100% antibiotic-free.
Ayrshire milk has smaller fat particles compared to other dairy breeds, making it easier to digest.
It is also known as "the cheesemaker's milk" because it is naturally partially homogenized, meaning not as much cream floats to the top of the milk.